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Patient day

Information event for sufferers, relatives and interested parties focussing on osteoarthritis: renowned experts will give talks on current research findings and answer individual questions from participants:

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Initiators: BVOU, DGOU, Deutsche Rheuma-Liga

Topic: Arthrosis action day – joint pain and restricted mobility

Time: Thursday, 24.10.2024, 15:00 – 19:30 Uhr

Venue: Messe Berlin, Eingang Süd, Foyer & Großer Saal (Halle 1.2a)

Offer: Activity stands, counselling, movement exercises, lectures, Q&A session, snacks

Manangement: Prof. Dr. med. Karsten E. Dreinhöfer (Berlin), Prof. Dr. med. Ralph Gaulke (Hannover)

Free registration: Tel. 030 32 290 29 0,